Saturday, November 26, 2016

Progress report

One month has passed and I realise that I have not spent nearly as much time as I would have expected building the car.

First, lots of work, no time during the week... Second, quite a few events (Estelle's 40th birthday party... !) and visits preventing progress...

Yet I managed to complete the front suspension rapidly (and painfully - the manual is simply not good enough, too few and too small pictures, no detailed explanations...)

The next week-end my friend Seb is visiting. After an insane effort we understand how to properly put the headlamp and all connectors... Thanks to Daniel French's amazing blog ( We installed the anti-roll bar and fixed the front brake. Few other bits done - very productive day !

I started to install the handbrake ahead of installing the diff (the handbrake cable must be installed first) - the clevis is a major pain to put in place

This Saturday I finally found the courage to start mounting the gearbox (with much, much Caterham blogs reading...)

And I will install the diff with Marion tomorrow - now that I am clear how to mount and adjust, I prepared it, ready to be lifted by the jack:

This car will take me an eternity... between my lack of experience and the incredibly succint manual...